Pool Profile Detail

View the details of a pool profile, as well as edit or delete it.

Selecting one of the profiles indicated on the IP Pool Profiles page will take you to this page.


  1. Overview. All of the specific metadata associated with the IP Pool Profile.
    1. Name. Human readable name that allows you to easily identify a specific IP Pool Profile.
    2. APN. The APN these Ip addresses can connect to.
    3. IP Allocation. IP addresses in this IP Pool Profile will be set as either “Fixed” or “Dynamic”. Trinity only offers Fixed IP addresses.
    4. Description. A personal description can be added to give the user more information about and context for the IP Pool Profile.
  2. Edit Button. Change the IP Pool Profile’s name, IP allocation, and description.
  3. Delete Button. Deleting an IP Pool Profile will remove it from the system.
  4. Change History Button. View all changes that have been made to this IP Pool Profile, as well as who made the changes.