Use Folders

All information regarding what folders are and how they work.

Folders are the primary way to organize or group your devices into a logical structure. Like the folders on your computer, folders in Connect form a hierarchical structure and may contain other folders. You can limit the devices a user can see by limiting their access to a specific folder. Moreover, you can restrict them to only see the devices within a particular folder or all the devices in the entire descending folder tree.


How to create or add a new folder:

  1. Within your company's profile, choose the tab where you wish to establish a folder, be it SIMs or Devices. (as shown below)
  2. Navigate to the bottom left and select the Add Folder icon.
  3. To create a top-level folder, select the company tree node as the folder parent. For subfolders, select an existing folder as the parent for your new folder. (see below)

  4. Select "CREATE" to finalize your folder creation on the system.