View Company page overview

Here one can see all the details of a company.

Company Overview



  1. Basic Info Section. These menu items are always visible and give you access to the Company overview and Members pages.
  2. Company Home Button. This button brings you back to this company overview page.
  3. SIM and APN Section. This section is visible when the company has SIM and APN functionality enabled.
  4. Device Section. The Device menu items are visible when the company has Device functionality enabled. When enabled, this section will give you access to:
  5. Scheduled Reports. You may schedule some reports to run periodically. Such reports are associated with you as a company member, and this menu item lets you manage the reports you have scheduled in this company.
  6. Edit Company Name. Change the company name.
  7. Edit Company Profile. Change the company's profile settings and information.
  8. Change History. View any changes made to the company, when the changes were made, what change was made, and who made the changes.
  9. API Access. Get access to the API information (including API keys and other information) for this company.
  10. Delete Company. Delete this company. Only owners or admin users will be able to access this.
  11. Basic information display area.
  12. SIM estate overview area.
  13. Device estate overview area.